10 Photos Amazing shocking Real World Internet

10 Photos Amazing shocking Real World Internet

In this modern age, there are a wide variety of photo spread in cyberspace. Photos - the image is not clear who uploaded it, that's what causes us to understand exactly to 'orisinilan' photos. Some photographs also spread through multiple penyuting pictures like 'Photoshop'. Obviously this makes us not believe when viewed No 'eccentric' on the internet. But below is a list of 10 photos were believed to be authenticated, and even had alarmed the world. Anything ? Consider the list of 10 real photos Amazing below:

10. Mwanza flat-headed
"Mwanzae" is the Agamidae family of lizards. Discovered in Tanzania, Rwanda and Kenya. In 2009, the lizard photo circulated after people recognize his resemblance to Spider-Man.
Male lizard head, neck and shoulders are bright red or purple, while its body is dark blue.
Since these photos became popular, initelah species turned into a pet that is in demand

 9. Reindeer Stuck on Pole Phone
In 2004, a collection of strange images appear on the Internet deer were found on top of a pole height of 7.6 m. The photos were taken at Headingley, which is a rural town in Manitoba, Canada, located just west of Winnipeg. Some people in the area witnessed the bizarre scene. Local media picked up the story and speculated that the deer was thrown onto the pole after being struck by a passing train.

8. Monster Pig
Internet history full of famous picture that shows the animal raksasa.Pada May 2007, a giant pig was shot and killed by an eleven-year-old boy named Jamison Stone. Location shooting is claimed to occur at home in a commercial hunting Lost Creek Plantation, outside Anniston, Alabama.
According to the hunter, pig weight 477 kg, with a length of 2.84 m from the tip of the snout to the base of its tail. Stone said he killed the animal with a weapon Smith & Wesson Model 500 has a holographic scope mounted and ported barrel. He shot an eight-point of the 350-grain Hornady cartridges toward pigs and chased him for three hours before babai collapsed from loss of blood

7. Julio Aparicio gored bull
Julio Aparicio is one of Spain's most famous bullfighter. In 2010, he performed at the Festival of Saint Isidro, which is considered the most important event in the calendar of a bullfight at the Plaza de Toros las Ventas bullring in Madrid, Spain. When the show, Aparicio gored by the bull's face. Bull horn Aparicio entered under his chin and penetrated out in her mouth. He was seriously injured in the event and underwent two operations in order to avoid death. In 2010, these photos have become increasingly popular

6. Grizzly Giant
In October 2001 the US pilot Ted Winnen, stationed at Eielson Air Force Base near Fairbanks, Alaska.
Winnen find a big bear when he was hunting deer in Hinchinbrook Island, in Prince William Sound. Reported that the bear comes to Winnen, so Ted shot him. It is unclear whether the bear was struck by this man or this bears seem threatening.
Winnen measure the size of the bear is 3.2 m from nose to tail. Weight is estimated between 1000-1200 pounds.
The bear was unusually large specimen for the Prince William Sound (twice the normal size), but it was not a world record. Ted Winnen shot him with a rifle caliber .338 Winchester Magnum.

5. Pink Dolphin
In June 2007, photo albino dolphin pink bottle captured in Calcasieu Lake, which is a brackish lake located in southwest Louisiana, United States.
According to marine biologist Dagmar Fertl, the incidence of reported sightings of albino dolphin bottle in the Gulf of Mexico and only fourteen times ever seen in the world

4. Bitterroot National Forest Fire
In 2000, the United States experienced mengerikan.Pada fire season in August, more than 4 million hectares of forest were burnt. On August 6, 2000, several fires occurred in the Bitterroot National Forest near the town of Sula in western Montana.
As the spread of fire, an analyst John McColgan photo capture exceptional fire behavior of the scene. The image shows a set of moose watching the fire from the river.

3. Snake Catch wallaby
n 2005, Australian news reported on images showing the olive python attract large wallaby from the water.
In 2007, the image was circulated under the description of the snake eating a cow,.
The second largest species of olive python snake Australia and they have been known to consume large animals. Snakes in this photo is very large and if you look closely she lay along the road from the right side of the image. It's hard to see the whole snake because camouflaged in the rock face. The photo was taken in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.

2. Alligator with Deer in mouth
In 2004, the image appeared on the Internet that claim to show a crocodile in Cross Lake (located near Shreveport, Louisiana) with adult deer in its mouth.
Images are very surprising considering this lake is a popular spot for fishing and recreational boating. Other sites claimed the photo was taken at Lake Martin in Alabama or South Carolina.
In August 2004, the US Fish & Wildlife Service announced in a press release that the picture was taken in South Georgia, near the border of South Carolina by an officer who was preparing to ignite a fire specified. Workers were surveying the area by helicopter..

2. Alligator with Deer in mouth
In 2004, the image appeared on the Internet that claim to show a crocodile in Cross Lake (located near Shreveport, Louisiana) with adult deer in its mouth.
Images are very surprising considering this lake is a popular spot for fishing and recreational boating. Other sites claimed the photo was taken at Lake Martin in Alabama or South Carolina.
In August 2004, the US Fish & Wildlife Service announced in a press release that the picture was taken in South Georgia, near the border of South Carolina by an officer who was preparing to ignite a fire specified. Workers were surveying the area by helicopter.

In 2004, the image appeared on the Internet that claim to show a crocodile in Cross Lake (located near Shreveport, Louisiana) with adult deer in its mouth.
Images are very surprising considering this lake is a popular spot for fishing and recreational boating. Other sites claimed the photo was taken at Lake Martin in Alabama or South Carolina.
In August 2004, the US Fish & Wildlife Service announced in a press release that the picture was taken in South Georgia, near the border of South Carolina by an officer who was preparing to ignite a fire specified. Workers were surveying the area by helicopter.

1. Sharks Following kayaker
In September 2005, Africa Geographic magazine published an article titled Shark Detectives, which examined great white shark off the coast of South Africa. This article includes a collection of photographs showing the experience kayaker with great white sharks.
Caption for the photo reads: ". Sitting in a kayak measuring 3.8 meters and watch sharks approaching 4 meters big "
In the publication, the researchers describe a tense situation.
However, they have tested the reaction of sharks to empty kayak and did not find any signs of aggressive sharks.

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